During the years the company developed itself in ascending direction, modernizing and perfecting its methods and work technologies. It established itself as a reliable and loyal partner.TEAM
Our employees are well motivated and have greater freedom of actions. They are very precisely in doing their job , work with enthusiasm and dedication, striving to find the best solution for your cargo.SERVICES
We offer transport and logistic solutions. Long term partnership, professionalism and correctness, required commitment your cargo to arrive exactly on time in a perfect status to you or to your clients.PARTNERS
We have contracted relations with local and foreign companies, who proofed their loyalty and precision. All our clients unanimously opted for the professionalism of our employees.Do you like SKT Black? Is it everything you wanted from a theme?
Contact UsABOUT US
KEYSI EOOD – a company with traditions in the international transport. The beginning was set on 19.11.1991 with the registration of the company "KEYSI – KRASIMIR STOYANOV" ET with Manager Krassimir Y. Stoyanov.
In 2007 the company has been re-registered into “ KEYSI” EOOD with headquarters in Silistra, Bulgaria.
Over the years, the company has developed in an upward direction, modernizing and improving its methods and technologies. It has established itself as a reliable and loyal partner on both the Bulgarian and European markets.
KEYSI EOOD is made up of young and energetic team. We offer transport and logistic solutions for your business. Long term partnership, based on professionalism and correctness, of the required commitment your cargo to arrive exactly on time in a perfect status to you or to your clients.
We have contracted relations with local and foreign companies , proved their loyalty, precision and professionalism. All our clients unanimously opted for the professionalism and accountability of our employees. We rely on the accuracy and correctness by ensuring the same terms to our present and future business partners.
The price policy of “KEYSI“ EOOD has been considered by the market specifics, as our desire is to offer cost- and price- appropriate solutions.
Our employees are well motivated and have greater freedom of actions. They are very precisely in doing their job , work with enthusiasm and dedication, striving to find the best solution for your cargo.
Having in mind our high personal and professional goals, we believe in our ability to implement them!
Our Statistics
Projects Done
Happy Clients
Awards Won
The competitive prices and high quality of transportation – short delivery term, information about the package progress, implementation of Your very special desires – have always been in our attention center.
We offer:
- Group-age packages
- Complete cargos
- Dangerous cargos at ADR
Our teams are made up of specialists in the field of road transport.
The company possesses a modern and reliable own fleet.
It operates with engines Volvo, Renault and Scania, which meet the essential requirements for environmental friendliness Euro 6 of bearing capacity up to 24 t and volume up to 93 m3.
Each truck possesses the required equipment for dangerous cargos transportation.
The transportation are being realized under the CMR convention and are guaranteed by the required insurances for the case.
At present the company possess 80 trucks and 80 semi-trailers of blinds.
All units regularly pass the obligatory technical service in the licensed services of Volvo, Renault and Scania .
Our company owns a garage and workshop, where the current reparation works are being performed.
KEYSI EOOD continuously expands and renews its fleet. The average age of our fleet is 3 years old.
“Keysi” LTD
Silistra, “31 Polk” Str, No54 fl.4 ap. 8
Office address:
Veliko Tarnovo boulevard, No59
Krasimir Stoyanov - Director
+359/888 81-96-86
Milka Mincheva - Deputy Director
+359/888 34-34-46
Import and intra-European transport:
Export and inland-Bulgarian transport:
Проект и главна цел: Договор №BG16RFOP002-2.077-0531-C01,
Подкрепа за средни предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19
Цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските средни предприятия за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.
Бенефициент: Кейси ЕООД
Обща стойност:150 000.00 лв., от които 127 500.00 лв.
европейско и22 500.00 лв. национално съфинансиране.
Начало: 14.01.2021г.
Край: 15.04.2021г.
© 2015 KEYSI EOOD. All Rights Reserved